If you want to return the goods to us, send them without cash on delivery (the shipment sent on cash on delivery cannot be accepted) to the address of the company headquarters:

Low Profile s.r.o
Slatinská 4497/39c
636 00, Brno

Goods can also be returned in person at this address.

If you want to return the goods within the legal 14-day period, you can use the attached sample form for withdrawal from the contract, but it is not your obligation.

If you want to complain about the goods due to a material or manufacturing defect, attach a copy of the sales receipt and a completed complaint form .

The customer will receive confirmation of receipt of the claimed goods in written form immediately after handing over the goods at the store or by e-mail after receiving the shipment with the claimed goods. However, no later than three working days from the delivery of the goods by any means. The customer will be informed about the method of handling the complaint within 30 days of receiving the goods at the latest.

As a rule, we try to handle the complaint in the shortest possible time.

Nová řada kufrů Explorer Heavenly Light
20. 05. 2024

Explorer Cases představuje novou řadu kufrů pod názvem Heavenly Light (přeloženo "nebesky lehké").

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