Odolný vodotěsný kufr Explorer Cases 5833
  • Odolný vodotěsný kufr Explorer Cases 5833

Explorer Cases 5833 durable waterproof case

5833.B E

Internal dimensions 580x440x330mm

Tax included
In Stock

Internal dimensions mm 580 440 330 60 270
External dimensions mm 670 510 372 - -
Weight empty Kg 10.45
Weight with foam Kg 12.56
Buoyancy Kg 62.0
Volume liters 84.2
Temperature range -33/+90

Available designs

5833.BE Black empty 5833.B Black with foam
5833.OE Orange empty 5833.O Orange with foam
5833.GE Green empty 5833.G Green with foam

In the version with foam, it is tear foam pre-cut into cubes, allowing you to tear out the exact desired shape.

Features of the suitcase

neoseal.jpg Neoseal
Neoprene gasket
g/cms/tag.jpg" width="100" height="100" border="0" alt="tag.jpg" /> Descriptive label
Waterproof label made of PVC with a protective cover
Balance valve
Valve for equalizing the pressure in the trunk
slot.jpg Internal slots
Slots for attaching loops and rings intended for mounting optional shelves and panels.
handle.jpg Rubberized front handle
Heavy duty tested, stainless steel pins
latch.jpg Special anti-jamming locks
Two-piece special anti-jamming locks with a user-friendly mechanism

Side handles
Side handles for better carrying by two people
Durable wheels
With self-lubricating industrial bearing
Telescopic handle
Telescopic handle for convenient transport on wheels

Product Details
5833.B E

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Explorer Cases 5833 durable waterproof case

Explorer Cases 5833 durable waterproof case

Internal dimensions 580x440x330mm

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